A Beautiful Inspiring Message from Frank and an Invitation for You


Hello Fellow Light Beings!

This past Thursday we received a beautiful and inspiring message from Frank, the collective energy beings, channeled through Tracy Farquhar. Some word of encouragement they've shared regarding the current health situation are:

- this situation of threatening disease is temporary
- this situation is also an invitation to see yourself as an infinite being in the collective of human consciousness
- confined physically will have you pursue freedom spiritually
- in a profound way, how will this impact the energetic sense of your true self, the true essence of who you are?
- unlimited awareness and new thoughts and ideas arise in this new paradigm, you are not a limited being, you are an infinite being in a physical world come to express and expand
- can you discern through your higher senses what is happening at this time?
- begin to delve in matters of consciousness and spirit when called to do so
- you have never been invited to a more important event in your lifetime to experience this
- the new ways of thinking, the opportunities this event will inspire, will reach far beyond a you start with your own life, your own sphere
- call upon the forces of your own guides, angelic entities, and Source itself for comfort and protection
- we see potential for amazing thing in your future, true to the spirit of who you really are
- the sense of community you are developing will remind you of that

For the full-length Facebook video of Frank's wisdom as channeled through Tracy, please visit https://spirit1234.com/2020-03-19_FrankChanneledMesage.

Tracey's trip to MD, VA, and DC for Beginner Spirit Circles has been temporarily delayed due to the global health crisis. However, we do have plans for Tracy and Frank to return late spring or early summer to demonstrate her Vibrational Awareness Workshop, Channeling Sessions with Frank, and Spirit Galleries in MD, DC, and VA.

Stay tuned for more upcoming Spirit Circles with Tracy and Frank! For more information regarding Tracy Farquhar, please visit https://tracyfarquhar.com/.

Guides and Loved Ones

Through multiple channels of wisdom, we believe that the current health situation is temporary. We invite all to "go within" and review with your own Spirit Guides what changes you might like to make in the days, weeks, and months ahead.

We will be moving our Spirit Circles to Online Webinars until such time as it is safe to meet in person again. We’ve received the vibrational frequencies of compassion to create a better world and we will remain with you throughout the coming days.

For those of you interested in connecting with your Higher Self, we have a six part ONLINE Awakening Your Light Body series offered at 50% OFF our regular Spirit Circle prices.

Have you been on a path of spiritual growth?

Are you interested in experiencing expanded states of consciousness?

Are you receiving inner guidance to create new things in your life, to put more time and energy into your higher path and purpose?

The "Awakening Your Light Body" series offer a unique path of spiritual awakening through experiential, progressive expansions of consciousness that assist you in directly knowing the truth of your being.

ONLINE: Awakening Your Light Body > Part 1: Building Your Power Base
Monday, March 30, 2020
7:00 PM to 8:30 PM

SPECIAL THANKS: We thank Ms. Laura Ashley, LCSW-C and Ms. June Becker, LCSW-C, ACHt of Journey's Holistic Therapy Group for providing a loving, safe, and energetic space for our Beginner Spirit Circles and we look forward to joining up as a Community again soon.

ALEXANDRIA VA: We also have a local Alexandria Intuitive Meetup Group of channeled wisdom starting to blossom. Check out Carol Collins and "James" at:

Sending Divine Love for your physical health and spiritual well-being in this time of planetary evolution. 

With Love & Light,


Regina A. Luffey

Business Coach, Teacher & Mystic

Beginner Spiritual Development Circle LLC

Alexandria VA 22311



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