Hi there fellow Light Beings!
Well 2018 was QUITE a year for me, I made it through the year without a single drop of alcohol. Which means I had to do a lot of relationship clean up as well as completing several business agreements in order to take care of myself in a way that worked for me. Basically, I had to love myself, something we all may want to give ourselves permission to do, possibly more than I've ever loved myself before. And sometimes that took some deep forgiveness work and soul searching.
Learning of and developing my own psychic gifts and connecting to Spirit more and more frequently in Uma Alexandra Beepat's programs and classes became my new Spiritual drink.
In 2018, I was able to understand my own intuitive senses and why they had caused me so much anxiety and overwhelm in the past. Learning the different facets of being Empathic taught me how to raise my energy when I need to, take better care of myself, and keep my vibrations high.
I also learned what to do when picking up the vibes of debbie downers, negative nancys, energy vampires and drama queens. Boy was that a lesson in self-care and energy protection! Once I learned how to read my own chakra energy and expand and contract my vortexes as needed, life became much much simpler.

So too the BEST part of the year was opening my heart and meeting many wonderful amazing women through a project called the "Beginner Spiritual Development Circle". The Universe sent not one but TWO organizations who opened their doors to the Spirit Circles to include Journey’s Holistic Therapy Group in Charlotte Hall MD and Lotus Wellness Center in Manassas VA. Both of these Communities are led by inspiring women who are changing the way we think about spiritual health and wellness today.
Learning how to expand my own personal psychic gifts was much more fun and adventurous while meeting other like mined powerful women who were also awakening to their own spiritual powers and senses. What amazing stories and experiences these women were sharing!
I began to practice many spiritual techniques that produced evidential proof of a Higher Consciousness working in my life. Two to three spiritual books a week was the norm as I sought to learn about spiritual channeling, mediumship, extraterrestrials, angels, spirit guides, and Christ Consciousness at levels far beyond the mainstream Bible and religious teachings.

As 2019 opens, I'll pour many of the inspiring stories I share in our Beginner Spiritual Development Circles into a Hay House book for publication and distribution. One of the hardest and most challenging years of my life has also been the most joyous and spiritual as I discovered myself in the lives of women and men who also have begun their awakened journeys.
We'll start the year with a Free Online Beginner Spiritual Development Circle on Friday called "5 Simple Ways to Help You Develop Your Intuitive Senses". Join us from your kitchen table and be sure to have your favorite beverage handy! This is a great class for newbies who are just discovering their psychic senses. This month’s class will shed some light on upcoming 2019 by discovering your Personal Year number and what it means to you.
5 Simple Ways to Help You Develop Your Intuitive Senses
Friday, January 4, 2019
6:30 PM to 8:30 PM
We have many other January opportunities for you to experience spiritual health and wellness through a number of upcoming classes and one on one sessions.
For an insightful Numerology Romance Reading about you and that special someone, check out our one-on-one private sessions and use coupon code SAVE50 to receive half off: https://beginnerspiritcircle.as.me/
If you are seeing more advanced classes like mediumship, holistic wellness, spiritual healing such as Reiki, IET and Access Bars, check out our Lotus and the Light Meetup Group for many fun activities and events. All are welcome! https://www.meetup.com/thelotusandthelight/
Please feel free to reach out to me any time for support and community!
Text 240.434.6530 or Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/regina.luffey
With Love & Light,

Regina A Luffey
Business Coach, Teacher & Mystic
Alexandria VA 22311
More Upcoming Events:

MANASSAS VA: Uma's 2019 Intuitive Mentorship Program
(8 Month Program starting Saturday)
Saturday, January 5, 2019
10:00 AM to 2:00 PM
MANASSAS VA: Uma's Angel Tarot Card I Workshop
Sunday, January 6, 2019
9:30 AM to 3:30 PM
ONLINE: How Kirtan Kriya & Essential Oils Can Enhance Your Spiritual Connections
Monday, January 14, 2019
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
LEXINGTON PARK MD: 5 Simple Ways to Help You Develop Your Intuitive Senses
Thursday, January 17, 2019
6:30 PM to 8:30 PM
ONLINE: Basic Survival Secrets for the Psychic Empath
Saturday, January 19, 2019
9:30 AM to 12:00 PM
CHARLOTTE HALL MD: Basic Survival Secrets for the Psychic Empath
Thursday, January 31, 2019
6:30 PM to 8:30 PM