Have you ever walked into a house or room and instantly felt a chill, goosebumps on your arms, or the hair standing up on the back of your neck?
Those strong in the gift of Clairsentience, have the ability to "feel" the energy in their environment and can tell when something isn't right.
Several years ago, before I knew what an "Empath" was, I had a rather frightening experience. My boyfriend and I had planned for a romantic weekend, just the two of us. At the time the National Harbor was a fairly new and very nice waterfront retreat with easy access to Washington D.C.
He booked us a room at a Comfort Inn and I arrived first. I checked in at the front desk and got our hotel room keys. Upon my entry to our suite, I "sensed" bad vibes immediately. The room was dark and foreboding. It didn't feel good. The idea of staying in the room made me feel uncomfortable. I called James and told him that it didn't feel good for us to stay here. There was energy in the room that may have been residual of a crime or unpleasant event. I picked up on fear of the victim and possibly the malicious intent of a dark figure.
He said he would book us another hotel within the National Harbor area. Now we understood the difference in prices! I thanked him and told him I didn't want to stay in the room a moment longer, that I was going to leave and to text me a new address.
It was James that picked up on my psychic gifts before I did. He had noticed how I was sensitive to energy. It would be a few more years before he found someone who might be able to help me. However, once I started working with a professional psychic medium, my world went from dark to Light as I began to meet like-minded people, expand my intuitive sense, and learn in friendly, understanding environment.
I now teach these same energy and protection techniques in our Beginner Spiritual Development Circles. If you believe you may have spiritual gifts, you are welcome to join us were we provide a safe, loving environment designed to support you for your highest good, the good of the Universe and people everywhere.
Should you ever find yourself in an environment where you feel uncomfortable or sense negative energy, you may want to download our Spirit Circle Psychic Protection Prayer here.
As we find new locations for our Spirit Circles, I wasn't quite sure about the energy we were going in to. When I shared my concern with my Mentor, Tracy Farquhar, Psychic Medium and Channel (coming to our Spirit Circles in November) she sent me this Protection Prayer, which I have modified to suit our Spirit Community. We now use this prayer for protection when meeting in public places and live events.
Should you be interested in learning more about protection or dispelling negative energy from your environment, you might enjoy our next Spirit Circle in Alexandria Virginia.
Basic Survival Secrets for the Psychic Empath
Friday, October 11, 2019
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Courtyard by Marriott Alexandria Pentagon South
4641 Kenmore Avenue
Alexandria VA 22304
RSVP Here!
FREE PARKING: You can park for free across the street in the CVS parking lot till 10 pm. Bring pencil and paper for note taking. Handouts will be provided.
P.S. Although we hardly ever mention that chilling event many years ago, James and I continue to enjoy romantic weekends at the National Harbor and you can check out this fun waterfront retreat here: https://www.nationalharbor.com.
With Love & Light,

Regina A. Luffey
Business Coach, Teacher, & Mystic
Beginner Spiritual Development Circles LLC
Alexandria VA 22311