2019-12-02: ONLINE Program: Basic Survival Secrets for the Psychic Intuitive


Do you tend to keep to yourself so as not to feel and thus react to the emotions of others?

Have you ever been told that you are too emotional or sensitive sometimes causing you to dim your own self-expression?

Do you avoid certain movies because of their content such as violence, suffering, or animal stories because of the emotions they produce?

Do you prefer to work in careers that allow you to help others whether it's animals, people, or nature?

Any of these signs may indicate that you could have psychic gifts. A psychic is someone who can "pick up" on the vibrational frequencies of their environment using their intuitive senses without effort.

Once you are aware of the different ways the Universe can speak to you, a door is opened to this powerful guidance, which will assist you in creating a meaningful and magical spiritual journey!

There are numerous benefits from tapping in to your inner awareness, and it's important to remember that it's not just about predictions or finding easy answers to problems.

Here are just a few of the rewards of developing your intuitive abilities:

- improve your relationships
- enhance your creative ability
- make the most of your career
- receive intuitive guidance on important decisions
- connect to your loved ones who have passed on
- enhance your physical abilities
- feel more connected to nature and the Universe
- notice more synchronicities in your life
- be more guided on your soul's journey

You can benefit from all of these things and more by using and strengthening your intuitive psychic ability!

This Six Month Online Basic Survival Skills Program begins Mon Dec 2nd and is designed to support you in expanding and developing your psychic gifts, no psychic experience required.

What You Get:
- Follow along at your own pace in the privacy of your own home with videos and downloadable exercises.
- Receive guidance and support in a safe, loving, environment to expand your intuitive gifts.
- We'll meet online the first and third Monday for six months via Zoom beginning December 2nd so that you can receive guidance and support on your spiritual journey.
- Enjoy our Private Facebook Group and be a part of our Spiritual Community.

Online Spirit Circle video content and exercises include but are not limited to:

- Energize Your Chakras for Spiritual Health & Wellness
- Learn the Metaphysical Properties & Mystic Lore of Healing Crystals
- How Dynamic Prosperity Affirmations Manifest Success & Abundance
- How Angel Tarot Cards Can Develop Your Intuitive Senses
- Kinesiology: How Muscle Testing Will Increase Your Psychic Awareness
- Discover What Life Has in Store for You through Numerology!

BONUS: Enjoy our Good Spells, Love Potions, Magical Cures, and Other Practical Sorcery Spirit Content!

RSVP by midnight Nov 30th for $295.00 Early Bird Pricing

Pay Online at https://spirit1234.com/basics

OR Pay Full Price at $595.00
(monthly payment options available)

Complete the Program knowing how to embrace your personal intuitive gifts and live a life you love!


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