2019-11-27:FREE ONLINE WEBINAR: What Are Your Psychic Gifts?


Do you know on the spot if you like or dislike someone?

Have you ever been certain of the outcome of a situation or event before it happened?

Do coincidences and synchronicities keep appearing in your life?

Are you the individual that people go to when they're feeling down or need to get something off their chest?

Any of these feelings or senses may be signs that your spiritual gifts are unfolding!

In this FREE Beginner Spirit Circle Webinar, we'll have an open Question and Answer session where you can ask ANY question about whether or not you have psychic intuitive gifts.

In fact, everyone has some type of psychic sense and this Webinar may help you to discover yours!

We will go over the main "clair" senses to see what your strongest gift may be:

Clairvoyance (ability to see)
Clairaudience (hear)
Clairsentients (feel)
Claircognizant (know)
Clairolfaction (smell)
Clairgustation (taste)

We'll also provide information and answer any questions about our upcoming Online Program "Basic Survival Secrets for the Psychic Intuitive: Energy Techniques and Divination Tools You Can Use to Enhance Your Intuitive Senses".

RSVP for this Special Online Spirit Circle and receive the Zoom link and password the day before the call via Meetup email.

RSVP HERE: https://www.meetup.com/spiritcircle/events/266186722/

Download the "What Are Your Psychic Gifts?" quiz before the call for read-ahead information at https://spirit1234.com/download-50-psychic-senses/

Learn 50 Psychic Senses You May Already Have and How to Develop Them. Bring your questions to this special FREE Webinar and receive guidance and direction on ways you can enhance your intuitive gifts.

Leave the session renewed, energized, and excited to discover your psychic intuitive gifts and what you can do to develop them!


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