Our Beginner Spiritual Development Circle Live Events help men and women develop their spiritual intuitive gifts, so they can easily access higher realms of consciousness using simple divination tools for guidance and direction to create a life they love full of prosperity, happiness, and success.
News & Events
Do you feel that some people have all the luck? Have you ever tried to use your intuition to help achieve a better outcome? Do you know instinctively when something is true or not?
This is a group for anyone interested in expanding their intuitive abilities and gifts. We started this group to provide beginner level psychic development skills and holistic wellness.
We will explain how naturally intuitive people tune into the possibilities around them and then utilize the information to make successful decisions in their personal and work life.
As you learn how to recognize and work with your own natural intuitive senses, you’ll find it easier to:
• Make better decisions in your personal and business life!
• Learn the proper way to ask your intuition specific questions.
• Develop creative solutions and possibilities.
• Visualize and sense the best outcomes and determine if they're for your highest good.
When you pair your intuition with the sense of where your soul is meant to lead you, you’ll begin to see a life path that you never thought possible!
Beginner Online Programs
- Are you sensitive to the vibrational frequency of energy?
- Do you believe you may have psychic gifts?
- Are you ready to learn more about your intuitive senses and how to work with them?
Our online Beginner Spiritual Development program help to expand and develop your intuitive senses. Browse our catalog for easy energy classes designed to help you better understand your psychic gifts!
Advanced Online Programs
Are you ready to take the Awakening Your Light Body course? Here are some questions that may help you determine if you are ready...
- Have you been on a path of spiritual growth for a while?
- Are you interested in experiencing expanded states of consciousness?
- Is finding and living your higher purpose important to you?
- Are you willing to let go of things that no longer serve your higher good?
- Do you believe you can create your own reality?
You may be ready to awaken your light body. Go within and ask for guidance if awakening your light body is your next step in your spiritual journey.
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